Policies & Procedures
All communication between Whitecliff Services and other organisations regarding clients will be treated in the strictest confidence with only relevant details being given
All written communications will be written in the privacy of the office and have marked on the envelope in clear and bold writing – Private and Confidential, strictly for the Addressee only.
All E-mail communications will be written in the privacy of the office computer that is ‘password’ protected. Sent E-mail will be marked – Private and Confidential, strictly for the Addressee only.
All confidential telephone conversations will be carried out in privacy of the office.
Although the manager ensures relevant and effective training sessions are carried out regarding ‘Confidentiality’ and given staff as much information as possible. It is also made clear to all staff that they may approach the senior member of staff on duty and/or the manager if they have any concerns.
It is also advisable that all staff educate themselves further with as much knowledge as possible regarding ‘The Data protection Act’ and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Under no circumstances will the Management tolerate any member of staff being ridiculed and/or discriminated against, just because they are not sure of something, have no understanding at all and/or would like to learn more and improve their skills.
ALL members of staff are encouraged to speak to the manager if they are not sure of something and/or have any concerns.
Staff are to encourage to read the ‘Confidentiality’ policy on confidentiality including how Whitecliff Services deals with breaches of confidentiality.
Staff are trained during their induction that:
That all personal records are to be placed in the correct filing cabinet and under the correct name. with locks and keys
All information will be obtained lawfully and held for specific lawful purpose.
All manual files are to be locked in a ‘safe place’ in the office. The office door must be locked when unattended to protect personal data.
Confidential information will be protected against unlawful use, loss or damage and it is to be transferred outside the European Economic Areas only if the recipient country has adequate data protection.
A computer user holds a ‘password’ to the computer files and does not share that information.
Screen blanking is used to avoid unauthorised person from seeing personal information if the computer is not in use.
No personal electronic information is stored on the hard drive of the computer but will be stored on a removable device and locked away separately. Information given is used only for the purpose for which it is intended and is not to be released to others without their permission. If it is deemed necessary to discuss any personal issues, for instance, at a review of care, the consent of the individual is to be obtained first
Sharing of information
During communication with outside agencies/professionals, Whitecliff Services will inform the reciprocal of setting out of the principle governing the sharing of information.
All actions in accordance with confidentiality will be recorded legibly, accurately and filed in the relevant locked filing cabinet/s in the office and in accordance with the ‘Data Protection Act’ 1998.
Fit and proper persons employed
Supporting workers.
The purpose is to provide guidance and support for members of staff when managing staff induction.
This policy and procedure should be read in conjunction with the ‘Staff Training and Supporting Workers’ policy and procedure.
The Management team recognises that it has a legal responsibility to ensure that every member of staff employed by the company has a clear ‘in-sight’ of the type of job, commitment and expectations that will be required from them. It is the responsibility of the Management to ensure that every member of staff has received adequate and effective information on the importance of safety, security and infection control, their responsibilities, legal requirements, policies and procedures of Whitecliff Services , and how all members of staff are to carry out their duties in a professional, respectful and dignified manner, including the importance of ensuring that these are adhered to at all times and the consequences a member of staff may be subjected to, if found to be failing these.
The aim is to provide guidance to members of staff by preparing and supporting them through the first stages of employment. It will outline Management’s responsibilities to members of staff.
Communication skills
To ensure a professional, effective, and needs-led service can be provided to our clients, it is essential that EVERY member of staff can communicate clearly and in a manner that can be understood by all, especially the client which we provide services to.
2. Job description
The new member of staff will be asked to read and sign to confirm they have understood the contents of their job description. Then supplied with a copy prior to their induction being conducted.
(A copy of the signed job description will be kept in the staffs personnel file).
3. First day of employment
To meet the criteria written above, on the first day of their employment, in a respectful, dignified, and professional manner, new employees will be required to under-go an induction process that lasts no more than 1 week.
What is an ‘Induction period’?
An ‘Induction period’ is a length of time spent familiarising and training a member of staff in how to carry out their working duties and how to present and perform their own self-being in such a way that meets with all of the requirements of Whitecliff Services and of relevant ‘Acts of Parliament’ that the service Management are legally bound to comply with. Depending on the new member of staff’s level of ability and previously achieved qualifications, will depend on how long their induction period will take to complete.
(This does not mean that if a new member of staff has achieved more qualifications than another new member of staff, they will not need to complete all the induction).
It is a legal requirement for ALL new members of staff to complete ALL the induction, however those staff who have previously achieved more qualifications, would be expected to have a higher level of knowledge, ability, and experience to complete the induction period in a faster time than someone who does not have many previous qualifications and/or experience.
(Those staff who have previously achieved the relevant criteria training which have been backed up by original certificates being made available to the Management upon request and providing the validation date of the certificates have not expired, will not be expected to re-sit these training sessions until they are next due. Unless their working performance deems specific training sessions to be repeated).
4. Concerns
Instructions of who and how to report any personal and/or work-related concerns, safeguarding matters to.
Instructions of who and how to report any personal and/or work-related adverse events, incidents, accidents, errors and/or near misses to.
All members of staff old and new are welcome to speak to the Operations Manager in confidence about any matter and at any time, depending on the Managers commitments. In the event of the Manager not being able to speak to The individual at the precise point of approach, an appointment will be made for as soon as the Manager is available.
New members of staff must not think that just because they are new, they should not approach the Manager.
NEVER think that you are wasting the Managers time.
EVERY concern, issue and/or idea from old and new staff is important and will be listened to, discussed, analysed, and taken very seriously.
Personal information
The senior or Manager carrying out the induction will need to take relevant personal information from all new members of staff. In the event of any person not wishing to give their personal information to a senior member of staff, they may hold back certain information until they are able to meet with the Manager in private.
Staff handbook
All new members of staff will be issued with a ‘Staff Handbook’ which will contain information regarding their employment at Whitecliff and their rights as an employee.
A signature will be required to confirm a copy of the ‘staff handbook’ has been received.
(In the event of any member of staff requiring further information, depending on the type of information required this may be obtained from Management or the internet.
7. Code of Practice
It is a requirement for all employers to issue care workers with a copy of the ‘Code of Practice for Social Care workers.
This will be issued to all new members of staff along with their staff handbook.
A signature will be required to confirm a copy of the ‘code of practice’ has been received.
In the event of any member of staff requiring further information regarding the code of practice this should be available on the internet.
Leave from work.
Holiday, Sick, Parental leave and/or any other type of leave a member of staff may be entitled to will be discussed in private by the Manager during the beginning of the induction period.
9. Probationary period
The probationary period will be discussed in private by the Operations Manager at the beginning of the induction period.
Contractual agreement
All contractual agreements will be discussed in private by the registered Manager during the beginning of the induction period.
11. Further subjects covered within the induction.
During the induction period, the following subject areas will also be covered:
12. Respect
The importance of maintaining an individual’s dignity, privacy, respect, religious and cultural preferences, choice, sexuality, and inclusion always.
The importance of not being discriminative against and/or act in an offensive manner to any other individual whatsoever.
Understanding the ‘Principles of care’.
Understanding of the client’s environment you will be assigned and provision of care and how this may influence individual residents.
13. Correspondence
The importance and requirements of how to write, record and store information.
The meaning of the ‘Data Protection Act 1998’ and the importance of always maintaining confidentiality, including after the termination of employment.
14. Resident’s disabilities
Information on residents the member of staff you will be working with, including any specific physical, mental and/or communication needs.
15. Staff disabilities
All reasonable adjustments that have been made to accommodate any new member of staff who may be suffering from a disability will be reiterated upon at this point, with any issues being discussed.
Only information on a need-to-know basis in accordance with safety will be passed-on, under no circumstances will any other member of staff old or new be given information regarding the disability of another staff member, if they do-not need to know).
16. Complaints
Details of the service ‘Complaint,’ ‘Grievance’ and ‘Compliment’ Procedures will be explained to the new member of staff, including how to exercise them.
17. Other information
Any other matters that may be relevant to the member of staffs working performance
18. Questions and answers
At the beginning of their induction, the new member of staff will be asked certain questions by the Manager, endeavouring to find out exactly how much the new member of staff does or does not know about the job.
A training assessment will be completed to determine what training the new member of staff will need to under-go. A training schedule will be implemented and discussed with the new member of staff, with all required training being completed as soon as possible.
Questions may be asked by both the Management and new member of staff at any time throughout the duration of the induction period, thereafter through their employment with the service.
If at any time the Manager and/or Senior member of staff is unsure of the answer to any question asked by the new member of staff, an investigation will be sought to determine the correct answer. Allowing the new member of staff to receive precise and accurate information at all times.
Is this the ‘Right Job’ for you?
If at this or any other time during their employment at Whitecliff, the member of staff realises that this job ‘is not the right job for them,’ they should inform the Manager immediately. Where they will be offered the opportunity to discuss any concerns and/or worries they may have, if, after this time they still wish to terminate their employment, their choice to leave will be respected and arrangements will be made to meet their request in accordance with their contractual agreement.
Under no circumstances will any member of staff be discriminated against if they decide this is not the right job for them and they choose not to remain in the employment Whitecliff Services.
Not complying
In the event of any member of staff not complying with any of the above or its said contents, including any other information, requirements and/or reasonable changes.
the Management may need to make, they will be subjected to disciplinary action &/or not confirmed as a permanent member of staff.
All actions in accordance with staff induction will be recorded legibly, accurately and filed in the relevant locked filing cabinet / the office, and in accordance with the ‘Data Protection Act’ 1998.
Good Governance – Records Keeping
The purpose is to provide guidance and support to members of staff when they are engaging in record keeping.
The Management team recognises that it has a responsibility to ensure that all records required by regulation for GDPR purposes and for the effective and efficient running of the business are maintained, up to date and accurate.
The aim is to set standards and to stress the importance of accurate, legible, and well-maintained recordings.
The Management has a responsibility to ensure that records are protected and safeguard against lack of proper information about them by means of the maintenance of:
An accurate record in respect of each staff which will include appropriate information and documents.
The Management must ensure that the records referred to above (which may be in paper or electronic form) are:
Kept securely and can be located promptly when required.
Retained for an appropriate period.
Securely destroyed when it is appropriate to do so.
Staff have access to their personal records held by Whitecliff Services Ltd.
Staff are entitled to see a copy of any personal record kept about them and to correct any error or omission on it.
Whitecliff Services ensures that:
Managers regularly check the accuracy of information that is held on the computer.
The computer users are to use a ‘password’ on the computer.
Information stored electronically will backed up on a flash drive and the also be stored in the cloud systems.
Under no circumstances are any members of staff who use the computer, allowed to give another individual (whether staff or not) the computers.
Password. This also applies even if they know that the person asking for the password knows it but has forgotten it.
Any member of staff who has forgotten the password must ask the Manager for assistance and NO ONE ELSE.
In the event of any member of staff found to have informed or reminded another individual of the computer password, they will be subject to disciplinary action.
The transfer of information
The Manager will ensure that during the transferring of information, the following procedures are carried out:
Confidentiality of the staff and client who uses our service is protected.
All information is transferred safely and securely.
In the event of any information being lost, stolen, compromised, and/or has been purposely given to the wrong individual/service. Immediate action will be taken by the Manager and in co-operation with other relevant associated services, the matter will be dealt with accordingly.
In the event of any member of staff from being found to have lost, stolen, compromised and/or has purposely given the information to the wrong individual/service, they will be subjected to disciplinary action.
In the event of any individual acting independently or on behalf of another service, being suspected/seen by a member of staff. to have lost, stolen, compromised and/or has purposely given the information to the wrong individual/service. They have a legal responsibility to report the matter to the Manager immediately, who in-turn will report the matter to all relevant outside professionals.
2. Divulging confidential information
3. Retention periods of information documents
Whitecliff Services has a legal duty to ensure that relevant legal documents are retained for specific lengths of time in accordance with Government Legislation.
All actions in accordance to record keeping will be recorded legibly, accurately and filed in the relevant locked filing cabinet / the office, and in accordance with the ‘Data Protection Act’ 1998.
Suitability of staffing – Fit and Proper Person Employed
The management of Whitecliff Services operates a thorough procedure based on respect, equal opportunities.
Our Aim and Philosophy
This policy is intended to set out the values and principles underpinning the Services’ approach to recruitment and selection of staff.
The aim is to ensure that the post is advertised, and the most suitable candidate chosen for the job, the Management also ensures that all applicants receive fair and equal treatment.
Whitecliff is committed to providing equal employment opportunities to all job applicants irrespective of disability, race, nationality, sex.
The Management ensures that it operates an effective recruitment procedure to ensure that no person is employed for the purposes of carrying on a regulated activity unless that person:
Is of good character.
Has the qualifications, skills and experience which are necessary for the work to be performed.
Is physically and mentally fit for the work being offered.
The Management ensures that information specified is available in respect of a person employed for the purposes of carrying on a regulated activity, and such other information as is appropriate.
The Management ensures that a person employed for the purposes of carrying on a regulated activity is registered with the relevant professional body where such registration by, or under any enactment in relation to:
The work that the person is to perform.
The title that the person takes or uses.
Whitecliff Services advertises posts with the Local Job Centre and depending on response and quality and competence of applicants, decide to advertise in the post in local newspapers and online. It will be advertised fairly, briefly describing the degree of competence expected of applicants and the duties they will be expected to perform. More information will be given at an interview.
Whitecliff will post a description of the vacant position on the staff notice board, so that existing staff may apply for the post. Employees will be expected to undertake training courses relevant to their present roles and encouraged to develop their skills so that they are able to advance in their careers.
For any existing member of staff to apply for another post: the applicant must have held their present job for a significant period to have contributed to the organisation and must be performing their present job competently.
Staff development will be discussed at regular supervision sessions, as will training opportunities and goals for the future. Appraisals will be used to assess skills, and future training needs. Each member of staff will have an individual training needs analysis, so development can be easily tracked.
Personnel Selection
All applicants will be required to complete an application form including a declaration of health and declaration whether they have had any criminal convictions. Applicants will be short listed by comparing their application forms to the job specification for the position. To ensure that the selection process has been performed without discrimination, and in the event of more than one person suiting the same position, the Service performs a strict ‘points system’ to assist in the fair and un-bias selection of potential applicants.
Equal Opportunities
Whitecliff Service practice an equal opportunities policy and wishes to recruit and employ the person’s best suited to the vacancy, regardless of disability, sex, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, race. In order to monitor that this policy is adhered to, each applicant will be asked to complete an equal opportunities form.
All offers of employment are made on condition that satisfactory references are obtained. A verbal reference from a previous employer will also be obtained. If references prove to be unsatisfactory, the offer of employment may be withdrawn without Whitecliff Services in breach of contract.
CRB / SOVA Checks
Legal requirements state that the Service must ensure that all applicants complete the relevant form, allowing a (CRB) ‘Criminal Record Check’ /Disclosure and Barring serviced check to be carried out. This process will include a (SOVA) ‘Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults’ being carried out, which will highlight any individual who has been placed on the safeguarding of vulnerable adults list.
In the event of the above being in order, a permanent position may be offered to the applicant, providing all additional checks have been deemed as acceptable and the applicant meets other requirements of the position offered.
In the event of it being found that the applicant has had a criminal record in the past it does not mean that the post is not open to them, it will depend on the type of crime that has been committed and how long ago it was etc., bearing in mind that the person will be working with vulnerable adults. (See ‘Employing Persons with a Criminal Record’ Policy).
In the event of it being found that the applicant is listed on the safeguarding of vulnerable adults list – the position applied for, will not be offered.
Offer of Employment
Applicants who have been successful in being offered a post with our company, will initially be informed via the telephone, after-which a letter or email shall also be posted to their address confirming the offer of employment.
Unsuccessful Applicants
All applicants who have been unsuccessful in being offered a post within our company will be informed in writing.
All actions in accordance with staff recruitment and selection will be recorded legible, accurately and filed in the relevant locked filing cabinet / the office, and in accordance with the ‘Data Protection Act’ 1998.
The purpose is to clearly outline to staff members their rights and responsibilities about staff training when employed by Whitecliff Services Ltd.
The Management of Whitecliff Services has a legal responsibility to ensure that all staff receive thorough and fit for purpose training throughout their time of employment with the organisation.
The aim is to ensure that mandatory training is provided to all members of staff when it is due. Additional training requirements to be identified and provided as and when necessary.
New employees will be required to under-go an induction process. Depending on the new member of staff’s level of ability and previously achieved qualifications, will depend on how long their induction period will take to complete.
(This does not mean that if a new member of staff has achieved more qualifications than another new member of staff, they will not need to complete all the induction).
It is a legal requirement for ALL new members of staff to complete ALL the induction, however those staff who have previously achieved many qualifications, should have more knowledge, ability, and experience to complete the induction period in a faster time than someone who does not have many previous qualifications and experience.
A training schedule will be implemented and discussed with the new member of staff, with all required training being completed as soon as possible.
If at this or any other time during their employment with Whitecliff, the member of staff realises that this job ‘is not the right job for them‘, they should inform the Manager immediately. Where they will be offered the opportunity to discuss any concerns and/or worries they may have, if, after this time they still wish to terminate their employment, their choice to leave will be respected and arrangements will be made to meet their request.
Under no circumstances will any member of staff be discriminated against if they choose not to remain in the employment of Whitecliff Services Ltd.
Training new members of staff
The training of all new members of staff will be carried out in accordance with their ‘training schedule’ that was identified during the beginning of their induction.
All staff training will be carried out either in-house by qualified individuals or by authorised outside training organisations.
It may be necessary for staff to travel to another destination for the purpose of attending certain training sessions.
In this instance all staff will be given directions and information by the Senior member of staff as to where they will be required to travel.
Training existing members of staff
All staff are required to attend ALL training sessions arranged by Whitecliff Services, whether the training is regarding new and/or up-dated legislation, or their existing training certificates are out of date and need to be renewed. They will be required to attend both mandatory and other relevant training sessions. All members of staff will receive:
Training in accordance with equal opportunities and legal requirements.
Training in accordance with the business service aims.
Assistance from the Whitecliff Services by making reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of any member of staff who may have disabilities, and to assist them in attending each required training session.
All members of staff will be provided with the training advertisement early enough to enable them make allowance.
Any member of staff failing to attend training sessions, after-which they offer an excuse of “I did not know about it, nobody told me” WILL NOT be accepted. They will be dealt with by the Manager and be subjected to disciplinary action.
All completed and passed staff training whether it be carried out in-house or by an authorised outside training organisation, will be recognised and awarded with a certificate.
All staff training is extremely important and must always be treated with respect.
In the event of any member of staff FAILING to carry out their duties in an acceptable way, within a respectful and professional manner, in accordance with Whitecliff’s Polices, and within the guidelines of the training sessions they have attended, this will be taken extremely seriously, and they may be subject to disciplinary action.
Staff development Appraisal
Staff ‘Appraisals’ are carried out annually and incorporate the member of staffs working ability and performance over the entire year.
Costs of training sessions
Unfortunately, the cost of training courses can be extremely expensive and are not always able to be funded by the local authorities.
It must be respected by every member of staff, that because the cost is high and if monies are paid out not only for the organisation’s purpose but also for the staff’s qualification and certification purposes, they must ensure that the money is not unnecessarily paid out and wasted.
Therefore, in circumstances where the funding must be met by Whitecliff Services Ltd, the Directors will be happy to pay the amount required,
Although in return for this each member of staff must make certain commitments to Whitecliff Services Ltd as follows:
If a training course is not completed for any reason that is the actual fault of the member of staff, the said member of staff must reimburse the full fees and other associated costs
The following ‘Commitments’ to staff training services with Whitecliff Services Ltd must be given, failing this, the said member of staff must reimburse all fees and associated costs, as detailed below.
Staff commitments
In the circumstance of any member of staff leaving the employ of Whitecliff Services Ltd, within certain time spans after receiving training sessions that have been paid for by the company, they will be required to reimburse the company.
Code of Conduct
During their initial induction period each member of staff will be handed a ‘Code of Conduct’ booklet, explaining relevant guidelines they are required to follow.
All actions in accordance with staff training will be recorded legibly, accurately and filed in the relevant locked filing cabinet / the office, and in accordance with the ‘Data Protection Act’ 1998.
Fit and proper persons employed
Requirements relating to workers.
The purpose is to provide clear guidance and set out standards when recruiting staff.
The Management team recognises that it has a responsibility to ensure they operate an effective recruitment procedure to ascertain that no person is employed without thorough checks being previously carried out to determine their suitability of working with vulnerable adults.
The aim is to safeguard the clients that we work with.
Equal opportunities
The management team operates a thorough recruitment procedure based on equal opportunities and ensuring the protection of all vulnerable individuals.
Criminal records and S.O.V.A. Checks
Legal requirements state that we must ensure that all applicants complete the relevant form, allowing a (DBS) ‘Criminal Record Check’ to be carried out. This process will include a (SOVA) ‘Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults’ being carried out, which will highlight any individual who has been placed on the safeguarding of vulnerable adults list.
In the event of the above being in order, a permanent position may be offered to the applicant, providing all additional checks have been deemed as acceptable and the applicant meets other requirements of the position offered.
Applicants are not permitted to withhold information regarding convictions which for other purposes are ‘spent’ under the provisions of the ‘Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975’ and in the event of employment, any failure to disclose such convictions could result in dismissal or disciplinary action by the Management.
When an applicant discloses any information about criminal activities it will not necessarily bar them from employment. This will depend on what type of criminal activity has been committed and how long ago it was.
Being listed on the S.O.V.A. List
In the event of it being found that the applicant is listed on the safeguarding of vulnerable adults list – the position applied for, will not be offered.
Decline of employment
In circumstances where an applicant is found to have been listed on the S.O.V.A. list and/or has committed criminal offences that deem them not suitable for employment with vulnerable adults, they will be informed in writing of the Managements decision.
Any information supplied by the applicant will be treated in the strictest confidence and will be considered only in relation to the employment application.
All actions in accordance with employment of a person with a criminal record will be recorded legibly and accurately and filed in the relevant locked filing cabinet / the office, and in accordance with the ‘Data Protection Act’ 1998.
Receiving and Acting on Complaints
The purpose is to provide support and guidance to members of staff and the public on how to make a complaint.
The Management team welcomes complaints in the event of you not being satisfied with any of our service. Although we strive to maintain a service that promotes well-being, respect, and commitment, we are only human and unfortunately are also subject to making mistakes. Your complaints will not only bring your dissatisfaction to our attention, but it will also assist us in improving our service. As, once any complaint has been resolved we hold further meetings to discuss how we can improve our service so as hopefully the same reason for the complaint does not occur again.
Therefore, our clients are encouraged to freely comment on or complain about aspects of the service provided by Whitecliff Services, through informal or formal channels, with views listened and responded to, using feedback to inform change and make improvements.
The Management team believes in Whitecliff Services and its client’s partnership in the provision of services to meet the specific needs of the clients. As a clients and staff, we want you to feel able to discuss problems. Therefore, we have a clear and effective complaints procedure, which includes the stages of, and time scales, for the process, and those clients and other individuals know how and whom to complain.
For assessing, and preventing or reducing the impact of, unsafe or inappropriate care or treatment, the Management must have an effective system in place for identifying, receiving, handling, and responding appropriately to complaints and comments made by client, or persons acting on their behalf, in relation to the carrying on of our services.
The aim
The aim is to be as transparent and as professional as possible when carrying out care practices with our clients.
The Management must ensure that:
that any complaint made is fully investigated and, as far as reasonably practical, resolved to the satisfaction of the client, or the person acting on the client’s behalf.
Take appropriate steps to co-ordinate a response to a complaint where that complaint relates to care or treatment provided by a member of our team in circumstances where the provision of such care or treatment has been shared with, or transferred to, others.
The Management must ensure they send to the Inspectorate, when required to do so, a summary of the:
Complaint made.
Responses made by the Management to such complaints.
Management is available to explain the procedure to any individual who requires assistance in understanding the procedure. If possible, complaints should be dealt with informally at a local level, either by the senior member of staff, and the resolution noted in the record. It can also be dealt with formally by taking the complaint directly to the Manager. A verbal complaint should always be taken seriously and dealt with immediately. If this fails to resolve the complaint, the resident can make a formal complaint by completing the following steps:
The complaint will be dealt with through the Formal Complaints procedure.
To invoke the Formal Complaints Procedure, the complaint must be submitted in writing. The formal letter of complaint should be addressed to the Manager. On receipt of the letter, the Manager will carry out the investigation and will write to the client within two days of receiving the complaint explaining the process that will be followed.
The Manager will then interview those involved and make related enquiries. He / she will then submit a written report to the Directors within a maximum of four weeks. It is anticipated that most formal investigations will be dealt with in a much shorter period than this.
When action has been decided, the Manager will write to the client (or the person making the complaint on their behalf) detailing the original complaints; the steps taken in investigating and the resolution. This letter will also contain details of what course of action to take if they remain dissatisfied with the resolution. Details of the proposed resolution will also be sent to others involved in the investigation.
The management seeks to provide a service that meets the needs of our clients. Therefore, they are encouraged to discuss any problems they may have.
All complaints, whether informal or formal should be entered into the Complaints Register, together with action taken and stating the outcome. This register should be checked at least every three months.
All complaints are treated in accordance with ‘The Data Protection Act’ and the ‘Complaints Policy and Procedure’ of Whitecliff Services Ltd.
The Manager may be contacted at:
Whitecliff Services 160 Hillyfields Loughton Essex IG10 2PZ
Email: info@whitecliffservices.com
Concerning complaints, staff assistance given, if necessary, to take matters further to the Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate
BIS Department for business, Innovation & Skills
1 Victoria Street, Westminster London
Telephone: 02072155000
All actions in accordance with complaints will be recorded legibly and accurately and filed in the relevant locked filing cabinet / the office, and in accordance with the ‘Data Protection Act’ 1998.
The purpose of is to provide support and guidance to members of staff when managing equal opportunities.
The Management team believes that all employers have a duty to avoid discriminatory practices when employing staff and in providing services and has committed itself to take appropriate steps to avoid discrimination occurring anywhere within the company.
The Management team will work to retain a broad representation of people with appropriate skills and knowledge and to avoid a bias towards any group in society.
Any employee having a complaint of discrimination or victimisation is encouraged to raise the matter under our ‘Grievance Procedure.’ The complaint will be fully investigated, and all action will be taken to solve the problem.
Recruitment and promotion of staff
Appointments and promotions will be based on merit and no job applicant or employee will be discriminated against by reason of their race, religion, sex, or marital status.
Applicants will be given clear and accurate information as possible about the position through advertisements, job description etc. in other to enable them to assess their suitability for the position.
Recruitment Literature will not imply that there is any preference for one group of applicants unless there are special reasons which accord with the ‘Race Relation Act 1976’ or the ‘sex Discrimination Act 1975’.
Advertisements will be aimed at a wide group of suitably qualified and experienced people as possible.
All interviews will be conducted on an objective basis and will deal only with the applicant’s suitability for the job and ability to fulfil the job requirement.
Action to be taken to ensure that this policy is implemented:
All policies and procedures will be reviewed to ensure that they do not operate against this ‘Equal Opportunity Policy’ and will be reviewed at regular intervals.
Staff will be made aware of this policy and helped to understand its implementation.
Staff involved in recruitment and promotion will be trained to ensure that selection is made on an objective basis.
The effectiveness of Whitecliff’s Policies and procedures will be reviewed regularly to identify any additional action which is needed to ensure that the spirit of the policy is fully implemented.
All actions in accordance with accidents will be recorded legibly, accurately and filed in the relevant locked filing cabinet / the office, and in accordance with the ‘Data Protection Act’ 1998.
Whitecliff Services Ltd is committed to encouraging equality, diversity, and inclusion among our workforce, and eliminating unlawful discrimination.
The aim is for our workforce to be truly representative of all sections of society and our customers, and for each employee to feel respected and able to give their best.
Whitecliff Services in providing services is also committed against unlawful discrimination of clients or the public.
The policy’s purpose is to:
provide equality, fairness, and respect for all in our employment, whether temporary, part-time, or full-time
lawfully discriminate because of the Equality Act 2010 protected characteristics of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race (including colour, nationality, and ethnic or national origin), religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.
oppose and avoid all forms of unlawful discrimination. This includes in pay and benefits, terms, and conditions of employment, dealing with grievances and discipline, dismissal, redundancy, leave for parents, requests for flexible working, and selection for employment, promotion, training, or other developmental opportunities.
Whitecliff Services commits to:
Encourage equality, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace as they are good practice and make business sense
Create a working environment free of bullying, harassment, victimisation, and unlawful discrimination, promoting dignity and respect for all, and where individual differences and the contributions of all staff are recognised and valued.
This commitment includes training managers and all other employees about their rights and responsibilities under the equality, diversity, and inclusion policy. Responsibilities include staff conducting themselves to help Whitecliff Services provide equal opportunities in employment, and prevent bullying, harassment, victimisation, and unlawful discrimination.
All staff should understand they, as well as their employer, can be held liable for acts of bullying, harassment, victimisation, and unlawful discrimination, in the course of their employment, against fellow employees, customers, suppliers and the public.
Take seriously complaints of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination by fellow employees, customers, suppliers, visitors, the public and any others during Whitecliff’s work activities.
Such acts will be dealt with as misconduct under the Whitecliff’s grievance and/or disciplinary procedures, and appropriate action will be taken. Particularly serious complaints could amount to gross misconduct and lead to dismissal without notice.
Further, sexual harassment may amount to both an employment rights matter and a criminal matter, such as in sexual assault allegations. In addition, harassment under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 – which is not limited to circumstances where harassment relates to a protected characteristic is a criminal offence.
Make opportunities for training, development, and progress available to all staff, who will be helped and encouraged to develop their full potential, so their talents and resources can be fully utilised to maximise the efficiency of Whitecliff Services.
Decisions concerning staff being based on merit (apart from in any necessary and limited exemptions and exceptions allowed under the Equality Act).
Review employment practices and procedures when necessary to ensure fairness and update them and the policy to take account of changes in the law.
Monitor the make-up of the workforce regarding information such as age, sex, ethnic background, sexual orientation, religion or belief, and disability in encouraging equality, diversity, and inclusion, and in meeting the aims and commitments set out in the equality, diversity, and inclusion policy.
Monitoring will also include assessing how the equality, diversity and inclusion policy, and any supporting action plan, are working in practice
Reviewing them annually and considering and taking action to address any issues.
Details of Whitecliff’s grievance and disciplinary policies and procedures can be found in the staff handbook This includes with whom an employee should raise a grievance – usually their line manager.
Use of the Whitecliff’s grievance and/or disciplinary procedures does not affect an employee’s right to make a claim to an employment tribunal within three months of the alleged discrimination.
The purpose is to provide clear guidance for members of staff to adhere to when confronting/experiencing workplace bullying.
The Management team aims ensures that all members of staff are safeguarded from physical, financial, or material, physiological, or sexual abuse, discrimination.
The Management team will NOT tolerate any type of unacceptable behaviour from any individual, whether it be from a member of staff or the Management.
The Management team aims to provide staff with systematic mechanisms for reporting bullying, e.g., Via the Whistleblowing and complaints procedure, adequate supervision, and operating an ‘open door policy’ of communication.
Every individual should report any actual / suspected signs of unacceptable behaviour to the Manager immediately, no matter how trivial or it may seem.
The above is not to be confused with a Senior member of staff giving directions to other members of staff. However, the manager expects all members of staff to communicate effectively, politely, and courteously to each other, to have respect for each other and recognise that everyone’s opinion is valid. Any directions given will be done calmly and quietly.
In the event of any member of staff feeling that an instruction has been given to them by a Senior member of staff in a manner contrary to the above, they should report this to the Manager immediately.
The management encourages staff to report any incidents of bullying/harassment immediately, so that the issue may be dealt with. Staff may use the Complaints Procedure and/or the Whistle-blowing Policy if they wish, to remain anonymous.
This policy is our commitment to effective and open work practices:
Commitment to openness and good communication
Ways of raising concerns for our staff
Support for those who raise such concerns.
Support for those wrongfully accused, and action taken.
against those who make malicious allegations
The Manager will interview the alleged ‘bully’ and will provide feedback on any action to be taken. If an employee feels that they are unable to raise their concerns with the Manager. If the member of staff still feels that the matter has not been dealt with properly, they are welcome to follow Whitecliff’s complaint procedure.
A false allegation of bullying will lead to disciplinary action.
All actions in accordance with workplace bullying will be recorded legibly, accurately and filed in the relevant locked filing cabinet / the office, and in accordance with the ‘Data Protection Act’ 1998.